WeReview: CRISPR Tools

This is a systematic review that anyone can edit. It is focused on bioinformatic tools for CRISPR/Cas experiments.
Participate by proposing any modifications to the table! Just double-click on any row, modify the desired fields and click "Submit" (all submissions are manually checked by our staff).
If you are the author of any CRISPR tool already in the table, please consider using this page to keep always updated its most relevant features.
The information provided on this website has been compiled by a number of collaborators and has been curated by bioinfogp staff to the best of our knowledge and belief. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty for the accuracy or usefulness of such content. Feedback: bioinfogp@cnb.csic.es
⇨ Click any header to filter rows by the corresponding field. For example, in Citations filter box, write  > 40  and click "Apply" to get all tools with more than 40 citations in PMC.
Sort rows by clicking ▲ or ▼ arrows next to any header field. Depending on the column, rows will become sorted alphabetically, numerically or by date.
⇨ Double-click any row to start editing its content. A detailed view of the contents of the element will appear, with easy-to-follow indications to modify and submit any field(s)
⇨ Have you found any new tool? Click
⇨ Additional help: here
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BioinfoGP CNB-CSIC 2019